Remote Desktop Gateway

The Remote Desktop Gateway server is an authentication and proxy mechanism used widely by off-site faculty, staff, and students to connect to on-site university computers using the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).  The University began blocking RDP at the border firewall in 2012 in response to an RDP security weakness.  While RDP may not be an ideal way to remotely access local resources, we understand that members of our community prefer this approach, which at times, is the only solution realistically available to them.  ITS established and maintains the RDP gateway specifically to increase broad community access to university resources while decreasing associated security risks.  We understand that some schools, departments, and units provide their constituents with a similar gateway, which is not a prohibited activity. The ITS enterprise gateway, however, is efficient, robust, and secure, and we respectfully encourage IT staff to consider it before investing time and energy creating or maintaining a duplicate service.

For more information and detailed instructions on to use the Remote Desktop Gateway, visit